28 февраля, 2018

50 Международная научно-практическая интернет-конференция


      Lyudmila Trubitskaya (Astana, Kazakhstan) |    Скачать статью |  Link

    Life is changing so rapidly, that sometimes society fails to keep pace of the rush times. Changes are taking place in science and technology and it the social environment itself. In such a situation, it is important for the eternal human values, like spiritual and physical health, following man all his routine life long, to be inviolable. Such life phenomena as physical culture and sport are moving into first places in formation of the next generation.  Generated and used by society for physical and intellectual development of human abilities, to improve his motor activity and form healthy way of life, social adaptation via physical development. Education, from kindergarten to university, takes a special place in the system of citizen’s formation, where a member of society, the national future, is being formed. The modern educational process must reflect all the events and phenomena-taking place in the country.