Y.Dusmatova, U.Oripova (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) |    Download article

Every psychological system appears to be an introspection object. From analysis of books, in different positions, there was a special interest to study psychological characteristics of introspection. Because, psychological conditions are not only seen in behaviour, but are also important for professional career. The word state has been brought by N.D.Levitov to Russian psychology. In author’s opinion, psychological states serve to fill the gap between psychic processes and person’s characteristics. As N.D.Levitov says: ‘state is psychological profession’s full character, understood by appearing in a particular way and in certain time’ [2, B.59-68]. In N.D.Levitov’s opinion, without psychic processes there cannot be psychological states. Different from psychic processes, psychological states are steady, that is why there can be found many meanings for this word. In A.L.Simonova’s words psychologic state is ‘some change, philosophical definition that reflexes special way of steadiness of developing character’ [2, B.59-68]. In this research we tried to clearify the special features of psychological states and emotional states by introspection. In psychology it is proven that emotional states are controlled by subject. Y.Reykovskiy says, the elevation and demotion of introspection in person caused by the occurence of bright emotional problems [3]. Fast development of emotional reactions pass through insufficiency (weakness) of introspection. Not to be able to control yourself in emotional states can lead to disadvantages in behaviour.