Оleksiy Мykhailenko, Oleksandr Kalenyk, Vitaliy Babiy (Kyiv, Ukraine) |    Скачать статью

Quantity characteristics of a substance stability is a primary criterion in its future application. However, unstable molecules often happen to be very useful in chemical synthesis. There are several ways of solving this problem. For example, carbene is interesting for obtaining cyclopropane derivatives [1]. But, its possible living at low temperatures induces using an alternative – carbenoids or masked carbenes. Other compounds – nitrenes [2], which can be used in synthesizing aziridine derivatives, are also unstable, what makes scientists search for alternatives ways. This is also true for other attractive reagents, in particular: organic ozonides [3], organic azides, azides of many transition metals, etc. However, apart from masking, there is another method of stabilizing the unstable molecules by incorporating them into the matrix. The most modern approach is to create non-covalent “guest-host” complexes. Hosts are normally various classes of calixarenes, crown ethers, cyclodextrins and others [4]. But, we are of the opinion that the most promising is to use nanosystems such as single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes, double-layer graphene systems or graphene-like silicene materials.