Visualization of the Ecological State of the Surface Waters of the Lower Section of the Dnieper River using GIS Technologies

  Iryna Shakhman, Anastasiia Bystriantseva, Maxim Bystriantsev (Kherson, Ukraine) |    Скачать статью

The use of modern methods of the water objects monitoring contributes to new opportunities for cooperation in improving the ecological status of hydroecosystems and visual modeling (graphical representation of the model due to a certain standard set of elements) using GIS technologies in the framework of the international process “Environment for Europe”. This is vital for the realization of one of the advantages of visual modeling – communication [1, p. 74]. The development of visual interpretation of multidimensional data and GIS technologies is connected, in particular, with the fact that it is difficult for a person with his limited three-dimensional spatial imagination, and in most cases it is impossible, to analyze and give generalized assessments of multidimensional objects. Under conditions of the influence of economic activities of enterprises (industrial, agricultural, energy, communal, transport) on aquatic ecosystems particularly important role of communication between users, analysts, managers, the public, etc.