Gulzhamila Doszhanova, Perizat Temirzhanova (The Republic of Kazakhstan) |    Скачать статью

his article deals with the problem of rice cultivation in Kyzylorda region. During the cultivation of rice, methane gas is released and using of natural gas. Methane can be used as an energy source to power a farm. Methane is the cleanest fossil fuel. Methane emissions from any ecosystem, particularly a rice agroecosystem are governed by the magnitude and balance of microbial CH4 production (methanogenesis) and oxidation (methanotrophy), which occur by separate microbial communities. The two groups of microorganisms are adapted to different environmental conditions, and, as a result, are affected differently based on the structure and conditions of an ecosystem, which results in variability of CH4 production and oxidation potentials across time and space. With low CH4 production rates or long diffusion pathways, it seems that the majority of the CH4 produced is oxidized. Conversely, in cases where CH4 production rates are high or diffusion paths are short, less CH4 is oxidized and a greater portion reaches the atmosphere.