Dilshod Khamrayev (Karshi, Uzbekistan) |    Download article

The development of the plot of the “Tarkibadakhshan” epic in historical stages is related to the epics of the “Gorogli” series from a genetic and typological point of view. This, in turn, is the basis for the expansion of the theme of the epics of the series, the content of the plot, and ensures their formation in the shell of pure traditions. So, the formation of a plot in a certain sense of an epic shell ensures the occurrence of a series of similar events on the basis of cooperation and the development of living oral traditions. “The artistic evolution of traditional epics plays an important role in the emergence and development of folk epics, and their popularization was the result of the high performance skills of Bakhshi. According to historical sources, the artistic system of Uzbek folk epics contains epic plots and motifs of different eras, which go back to the stages of development of Uzbek folk epics, the archaic plot depicting the mythopoetic images of our ancestors who lived in ancient times”[1, p. 5]. For example, as a result of the mythological transformation characteristic of the plot of the epic “Gorogli”, the archaic form of the plot of the epics “Malikka Ayyor” and “Tarkibadakhshan” defines the mythological subject and its behavior of the epic hero. Because there are two main ways in the development of the epic and the emergence of new types (as well as new plots representing these types): evolution and breaks in gradualism. The first is that the transition creates “hybrid” phenomena. The second describes formations characterized by sharp features of novelty. Evolution, if it goes through a series of stages, is the final results close to what it would have achieved, and this is creativity associated with a gradual break.