The most wide-spread and popular method of investigating word-combination is taxonomy, or structural classification, which describes various syntactic patterns specific to the language in question. This approach to the study of word-combination is necessary, important and time-honored. However it is open to criticism for two reasons. First, because it is one-sided: being based on only one aspect of word-combination, it doesn’t reflect all the complexity of the linguisticphenomenon under study. Second, it is greatly overdone; evidently a situation of “oversaturation” exists in this aspect of the subject. Whenever there is a discussion of something that is supposed to be new in the grammatical structure, it usually follow along the line of this or that categorization.
Damegul Seytova, Yulduz Matkurbanova, Bayramgul Mengaliyeva (Nukus, Uzbtristan) | Download article