Damegul Seytova, Yulduz Matkurbanova, Bayramgul Mengaliyeva (Nukus, Uzbtristan) |    Download article

The most wide-spread and popular method of investigating word-combination is taxonomy, or structural classification, which describes various syntactic patterns specific to the language in question. This approach to the study of word-combination is necessary, important and time-honored. However it is open to criticism for two reasons. First, because it is one-sided: being based on only one aspect of word-combination, it doesn’t reflect all the complexity of the linguisticphenomenon under study. Second, it is greatly overdone; evidently a situation of “oversaturation” exists in this aspect of the subject. Whenever there is a discussion of something that is supposed to be new in the grammatical structure, it usually follow along the line of this or that categorization.