Mariya Antonova (Kharkiv, Ukraine) |    Download article

Health is an invaluable property not only of every man but of the whole society. Health helps us fulfill our plans, sort out main life problems successfully, cope with difficulties and even with considerable overloads. Good health wisely saved and strengthened by a man ensures him a long and active life. Unfortunately nowadays a lot of people ignore the simplest scientifically grounded norms of a healthy life style. Some of them become victims of a sedentary way of life (hypodynamia) that provokes premature ageing and leads to problems with the immune system, metabolism and to a lack of physical exercises for the development of particular groups of muscles, a certain number of people overeat that unavoidably leads to obesity development, vessels sclerosis and sometimes to diabetes. Some other people can’t have a rest and distract themselves from production and everyday concerns; they are constantly worried, nervous, suffering from insomnia that eventually leads to numerous medical diseases. And at last some people actively shorten their life by giving in addiction to smoking and drinking alcohol [1, p. 203].