Шавкат Сунакбаев (Туркестан, Казахстан) |    Download article

Consequences of a global economic crisis were negatively reflected in a social and economic situation practically of all countries of the world, but in a different measure. In Russia they were shown especially painfully: according to preliminary data, in 2009 GDP was reduced by 8,5%, investments into fixed capital - for 17,6%, industrial production - for 15,4%. Estimates of the official forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation concerning GDP growth during 2010-2012 vary depending on the change in price for oil: from 5,2% (in this case essential falling of economy in 2009 won't be overcome) to moderately optimistical 11,2% meaning an insignificant gain (2,2%) in relation to the level of 2008. Thus, average annual growth rates of GDP in 2008-2012 will make, at best, more than modest 0,7% that corresponds to stagnation or weak growth of economy.